Health Screening & Routine Monitoring


Routine monitoring blood tests can be booked using the NHS APP, a Medical Total Triage request or calling the surgery

  • Patients are recalled for their annual reviews in the month of their birth (e.g. Date-of-Birth 01-DEC-2000 annual reviews will typically be DEC).
  • Patients may receive multiple reminders depending upon what annual reviews are required (wherever possible we will minimise the number of visits required to the surgery for blood tests)
  • If patients require additional blood tests these need to be requested using a Medical Total Triage request in advance (as they require GP approval) – please allow 5 working days for this process to be completed
  • Patients should ensure that they are well hydrated before the blood test as this makes the vein easier to locate (without the need for multiple attempts). Patients should hydrate with water as caffeine and other drinks have a dehydrating effect.
  • NHS Blood Test information:


  • Patients between 40 & 75 years of age are entitled to a NHS Health Check every 5 Years
  • Patients will be directly invited by the surgery for their NHS Health Check
  • Patients who believe they are eligible however, have not been invited should create a Medical Total Triage request requesting a NHS Health Check appointment
  • NHS Health Check information:


A SMR is your opportunity to voice what matters to you and be part of a shared decision-making process regarding your medication. A SMR will help you understand your medication better and make choices with a clinical professional that bring better health outcomes to you.


  • All women and people with a cervix between 25 & 64 years of age will be invited for Cervical Screening
  • Patients will receive an invitation letter from the NHS when it is time to book their Cervical Screening appointment
  • When patients receive their letter they should create a Medical Total Triage request for a Cervical Screening appointment
  • Cervical Screening information:

OTHER NHS SCREENING (including Pregnancy, Diabetic, Breast, Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), etc.)

  • Patients will receive an invitation letter from the NHS when it is time to book their Screening appointment
  • The letter that the patient receives will explain whether or not the Screening can be performed at the Surgery
  • When patients receive their letter they should create a Medical Total Triage request for a Screening appointment (if it can be performed at the Surgery otherwise follow the guidance on the letter)
  • Screening information:


  • We expect Test Results to be sent to the surgery electronically from the respective test service within 5 working days however, it may take longer. IF your tests were requested externally (e.g. Consultant, Hospital, etc.) please engage the clinician that requested your tests for the Test Results (the Test Results will be sent to the surgery after the requesting clinician has reviewed them with the patient).
  • We will review your Test Results when they are received (typically within 1 working day)
  • IF your Test Results show that you require immediate (acute) follow on care the surgery will contact you directly (either by telephone or text message)
  • IF your Test Results show that you require a review (routine) / non-urgent follow on care the surgery will send you an appointment booking link (or telephone you)
  • IF your Test Results are normal they will be available on the NHS APP (or by calling the surgery Test Results line)