The practice is approved for training of general practitioners. Fully qualified doctors spend up to a year with us to complete their training. By the time they come to us they have already spent several years in hospital medicine.
In our practice, we accommodate the following levels of Doctors in Training:
- F2: Fully qualified doctor with at least one year experience of working in hospital.
- ST1: Fully qualified doctor in their first year of GP training.
- ST3: Fully qualified doctor in their final year of GP training.
Occasionally you may be asked if you are willing to have your consultation videotaped. This is used to help doctors to assess and improve their consultation skills and their ability to talk to patients. No intimate examinations will be recorded and the camera will be turned off immediately if you are unhappy at any stage.
If you agree to the recording of your consultation you will be asked to sign a consent form before and after you have seen the doctor. The videotape is subject to the same degree of confidentiality as patient records. The tape will be used for teaching consultation techniques and for examining training doctors in communications skills.
If the tape is to be viewed by other doctors outside the practice the viewers will be asked to give a written undertaking to maintain confidentiality.