Should you be concerned about any matter within the practice we ask that you discuss it with a member of staff at the time it occurs. This way, we can try to resolve the problem immediately. Formal complaints should be made to the Business Manager . We use complaints to effect change and learn, completing our complaints for helps us to do this effectively. Fill this form
Constructive suggestions are welcome. You can leave these via our email, available on the feedback Page. There is also a complaints information leaflet available.
Alternatively, you could contact the PALS information as below.
Patient Advice And Liaison Service
PALS provides free, informal, confidential help and advice for patients, carers and their families. We can provide information about local primary healthcare services. We aim to sort out problems quickly on your behalf. We use your feedback to improve the quality of our services.
PALS may be able to help if your query relates to primary care services such as; GPs, dentists, opticians or pharmacies.
Telephone number: 0800 328 5640
Email: mailto:[email protected]