Violence Policy

NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) our North Buckinghamshire Primary Care Network (PCN) & Edlesborough Surgery are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for both staff and patients.

Our Staff work here to care for others – being victims of violence or abuse is not part of their job.

Our organisations fully supports the NHS Zero Tolerance Campaign and any form of violence or abuse will not be tolerated.

The following behaviour is unacceptable and any person within our premises carrying out such acts could be subject to exclusion and criminal prosecution (not an exhaustive list):

  • Excessive noise such as loud or intrusive conversation or shouting
  • Threatening or abusive language involving swearing or offensive remarks
  • Racial or sexual comments
  • Abuse of alcohol or drugs
  • Drug dealing
  • Wilful property damage
  • Theft
  • Threats of violence
  • Actual violence or assault
  • Demanding to see a particular GP for an on-the-day (acute) appointment
  • Demanding to see a GP where another clinician has been assigned for an on-the-day (acute) appointment
  • Demanding an appointment without completing a Medical Total Triage request