Our clinical team aim to provide the very best care we can and the best location to allow us to do so is at the surgery. Our practice site has the best facilities for assessing your medical condition including the correct examination facilities as well as medical equipment needed to make an accurate assessment. For this reason we encourage our patients to attend our surgery sites where ever possible.
We understand that in some circumstances patients are not able to attend the surgery because:
- Your medical condition may mean that transportation would result in a significant deterioration in your medical condition
- Your condition means that you are fully house bound at all times.
In these circumstances we provide a home visiting service. If you need a home visit please contact our practice before 10:00 am. On your request one of our clinicians may call you back to triage your home visit request. The clinician may be able to address your medical needs via this triage call or may choose to visit you at home. The clinician will also decide on the urgency of your home visit and urgent medical issues may require a 999 response. If you are significantly unwell or have chest pain then please call 999 for immediate medical attention. You may be visited by a community nurse or health visitor if your care is best addressed by our community team.
We can not provide a home visiting service in situations where transport is the primary issue. This is because we must ensure our clinical team are addressing conditions based on medical need. NHS resources are limited and we appreciate the assistance of our patients to use our medical team in the most effective way possible.