Travel Vaccinations


IF you are planning to travel within 8 working weeks (i.e. excluding Bank Holidays) contact a PRIVATE TRAVEL CLINIC. There is insufficient time for the surgery to arrange for the vaccinations to be given.

Plan your Travel Vaccinations Early

Start the planning of your travel vaccination early. Some vaccines/immunisation schedules can take 6 months or more.

Be aware that some vaccines/immunisations are only available on Private Prescription (they do not form part of the NHS Contract). The clinical team will advise you which vaccines/immunisations are required (and their cost) when the Pre-Travel Questionnaire is completed. All Private Prescription items need advance payment.

The surgery are unable to provide Yellow Fever or Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG).

Patients wanting to take their Private Prescription with them to an alternative provider will be charged for the prescription (see our NON-NHS Charges Page for details).

There is comprehensive information about countries and vaccinations required using the links below, check to see if you require vaccinations for your travel beforehand.

Europe Europe & RussiaNorth America North America
Central America Central AmericaSouth America & Antarctica South America & Antarctica
Caribbean CaribbeanAfrica Africa
Middle East Middle EastCentral Asia Central Asia
East Asia East AsiaAustralasia  Australasia and Pacific

Request a Pre-Travel Questionnaire

To ensure that we provide the correct advice for your planned travel please request a Pre-Travel Questionnaire using an Administration Total Triage request (via the NHS APP or our website it would be helpful to include in that request which countries, cities/towns, and regions you are intending to travel to. The surgery will respond with a WEB Pre-Travel Questionnaire for completion alternatively, direct advice.

Paper copies of the Pre-Travel Questionnaire are also available from our Reception Team for those patients that do not have access to the internet.

Travelling in Europe

If you are travelling to Europe a very useful booklet has been published with advice and guidance to help you get the most out of your travel. To visit please click: European travel advice